

Easy to understand data analysis and statistics -Let’s start analysis statistics of medical and life science with Excel-
著者名:著:Takahashi Tatsuhisa


The feature of this book explains data analysis procedure in detail according to Excel operation. In addition, consideration is carefully made so that difficult parts can be understood visually using diagrams in sentences. In this way, you will learn the analysis procedure through actual work, so you can learn the essential points of analysis and statistics even that you have not been able to understand in just a lecture on statistics. As for the data obtained in research, you will not have to worry about what to do. After learning this book, you can do what to do and advance the procedure for analysis and statistical processing.You will read this book while doing the operation with the scientific, artistic sensibility. Consequently, you will be able to have great knowledge and skill in statistics to learn the analysis procedure. If you worry that statistics is difficult, please take this book and try it by all means. After mastering this book, you must understand the important points concerning statistics.

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